Linton Free Church: Wood Floor Restoration Community Project 

Linton Free Church: Wood Floor Restoration Community Project 

We at Art of Clean had the pleasure of contributing to another beautiful community. Read on to see our “Linton Free Church: Wood Floor Restoration Community Project,” which we could do with the help of our wood floor restoration services.

When we talk about community, we often think of people coming together to create something special. That’s exactly what happened at Linton Free Church, a cornerstone of the Linton community that offers a welcoming space for various groups and activities.

Why Are Community Projects Important to Us? 

We’re passionate about reciprocating the daily support we receive from various communities. While we wish we could have offered our services entirely free, we did have to ask for a small fee due to the size of this particular venue. We would always judge this on the first look around.

We aim to host these events annually, so if your community space could benefit from a touch of our specialised care, feel free to reach out. Who knows? We could be coming to your community soon!

Where it all began…

Our journey began when Joao, our operations Manager, received a call from a member of the church. The floor of the church hall, which serves as a vital space for the community, had seen better days. From Scouts and mother-and-toddler groups to art classes and church meetings, the hall had experienced a significant amount of wear and tear over the years. Rather than disposing of the beautiful wood and contributing to environmental waste, we saw an opportunity for restoration.

The Restoration Process

Our team evaluated the floor, concluding they could indeed restore it to its former glory. With its pine parquet wood flooring in a herringbone pattern, the floor had a unique aesthetic appeal. The project required meticulous care, beginning with sanding the floor back to bare wood. We then applied a commercial-grade, water-based lacquer that was both environmentally friendly and highly durable.

Attention to Detail

Quality was our watchword during the project. The restoration started with sanding, going from coarse to fine grit, ensuring a perfectly smooth finish. We took the time to get it right, starting at a lower grade and working our way up for that silky-smooth touch.

Environmentally Friendly Choices

We take our responsibility toward the environment seriously. The lacquer we use is low in solvents and comes with a hardener to provide long-lasting durability. This means it not only gives the wood an impressive matte finish but also ensures that it can withstand the daily traffic that a community space naturally invites.

More Than Just a Job

For us at Art of Clean, this was more than just a restoration job. It was about giving back to the community that has given so much to so many. Each year, we engage in a project with local organisations to offer our services in a way that benefits the larger community. Restoring the floor of Linton Free Church was our way of ensuring that this crucial community facility could continue to serve its purpose without sending quality wood to landfill sites.

Our Final Verdict

The end result has been highly satisfying for all parties involved. Not only did we manage to restore the floor to its original beauty, but we also did so in an eco-friendly and community-driven manner. The church members have been thrilled with the result, affirming that the space will last for many years. These pictures don’t do the floor justice… I think you’ll agree; these floors look stunning!

The Wood Floor Restoration project at Linton Free Church was not just about renewing a floor; it was about renewing a sense of community. We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to contribute to a project that will continue to bring people together in a welcoming and warm space. Thank you, Linton, for letting us be a part of your wonderful community.

Readers… There you have it! I hope I have done justice to capturing the essence of this community-driven wood floor restoration project at Linton Free Church. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed being part of this meaningful endeavour.

Linton Free Church: Wood Floor Restoration Project

Here, you can watch the transformational and see what the outcome was…

Written by Tracey Gilbey, Marketing and Admin Coordinator at Art of Clean.

For further advice or information on our Carpet and Soft Furnishing care, please do not hesitate to contact the Art of Clean team on 01223 901551 in Cambridge. Our services include Carpet Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning, oriental and area Rug Cleaning, Curtain Cleaning, Patio, and Driveway Pressure washing, Leather Cleaning, Stone and Tile Floor Cleaning, and Wood Floor Sanding and Restoration. We also supply new flooring and carpets through our sister company Art of Flooring. Our Dry-Cleaning service is provided by Farthings Cambridge

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