Carpet Cleaning Cost – Cambridge Case study

Hello, all our fabulous readers, and welcome back; if you're new, welcome to our page and my recent case study… this is a lovely little carpet cleaning job we did, but the lady was having some really horrible issues with unwanted guests with wings. 

Before we go too far, each section is headed in bold so you can choose which parts are relevant to you. This case study will not only tell you what problems we came across, but it will also outline what causes moth damage, what we did to try and help the problem, and what the cost was for this job. I have also added our cleaning process so that you can see for yourself what we do. 

The problems we found with carpet cleaning Cambridge case study:

  1. When we arrived at our customer’s property, we found it was a first-floor flat, so the van-mounted machine would not be appropriate. 
  2. We then entered the flat, and when moving a few items of furniture, we realized there was the start of moth damage in a hidden area. 

Before picture of carpet clean – Cambridge case study:

This shows the moth damage when carpet cleaning Cambridge, in case study 7944.










This is the before carpet cleaning in case study 7944:

What caused the damage on the carpet in our Cambridge case study:

Did you know that adult moths aren’t the ones feasting on your investments? It’s the larvae that they lay in the fibres of your carpet that have a feast. And sadly, you won’t see the infestation until it’s too late, as its usually hidden in places like:

  • Under rugs.
  • Edges of the room.
  • Behind large furniture.

This larva lives for up to 2 years, eating away at your precious carpet or rugs.

How we dealt with the carpet cleaning problems in this Cambridge case study:

  1. Instead of using our van-mounted machine, we would use our top-of-the-range portable machine. There were also two technicians, so carrying all the stuff up the stairs was made more accessible.
  2.  After carrying out our carpet cleaning process, we added our moth treatment. The moth treatment is a solution that we spray after the cleaning process. I must stress that this doesn’t stop the moths. It’s just a way to deter them by making the fibres less tasty. 

If you have had a professional come in to clean and are still having the problem, there are some tips you can do to help. I have added a blog at the bottom. Tips to help try and prevent. It is also good to remember that sometimes the problem isn’t even in your house. If your adjoining neighbours have moth issues, the moths can travel into your property through lofts, and if you have floorboards, they will come up through floorboards. To see more about moths and tips on how to deal with them click this links What is the best way to deal with moths eating my wool carpet?”

Our cleaning process:

 We have a 10-step process, which includes the following:

  • Step 1 – High filtration vacuum.
  • Step 2 – We move the furniture.
  • Step 3 – Stain pre-treating.
  • Step 4 – Pre-spray (heavy-duty)
  • Step 5 – extraction with hot water.
  • Step 6 – Rince off the residue.
  • Step 7 – Protective Tabs
  • Step 8 – Grooming of the caret.
  • Step 9 – protector on the carpet. (protector is only if the customer would like clean and protect or just clean) 
  • Step 10 – dry, dry and more drying… this is essential to avoid the carpet getting dirty.

Below is a visual of our cleaning process:

The cost of our Cambridge Case study:

We know your investments are significant to you, and that is why we will always give you the best customer service. 

The clean was for a study, lounge and the moth treatment. The total area the customer wanted cleaning was between 25 – 34 square metres, and the final price for this was between £450 -£500

 After images of our Cambridge Case study:

To see all the services we offer, check out this blog:

It’s Showcase time – The cleaning services we offer!

To see reviews on our company and some other companies in the area, this will be helpful:

Reviews about our carpet cleaning service.

Don’t forget to check out our blog with tips to help with moth issues:

What is the best way to deal with moths eating my wool carpet?

Thank you so much for reading today, and don’t forget – we’re here for you anytime!

Written by Tracey Gilbey, Marketing

For further advice or information on our Carpet and Soft Furnishing care, please do not hesitate to contact the Art of Clean team on 01223 901551 in Cambridge. Our services include Carpet Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning, oriental and area Rug Cleaning, Curtain Cleaning, Patio, and Driveway Pressure washing, Leather Cleaning, Stone and Tile Floor Cleaning, and Wood Floor Sanding and Restoration. We also supply new flooring and carpets through our sister company Art of Flooring. Our Dry-Cleaning service is provided by Farthings Cambridge.

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For further advice or information on our Carpet and Soft Furnishing care, please do not hesitate to contact the Art of Clean team on 01223 901551 in Cambridge. Our services include Carpet Cleaning, Upholstery Cleaning, oriental and area Rug Cleaning, Curtain Cleaning, Patio, and Driveway Pressure washing, Leather Cleaning, Stone and Tile Floor Cleaning, and Wood Floor Sanding and Restoration. We also supply new flooring and carpets through our sister company Art of Flooring. Farthings Cambridge provides our Dry-Cleaning service

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